What is a cookie?
Cookies are small text files that are downloaded to your device when you visit a website.
When they return the cookies are sent back to the website that originated them (first-party cookies) or another site that recognizes them (third-party cookies). Cookies are useful because they allow a website to recognize the user's device.
They have different purposes such as, for example, allow you to navigate between pages efficiently, remembering your favorite sites and, in general, improve the browsing experience. Also help to ensure that the advertising content displayed online are more targeted to a user and to his interests. Depending on the function and purpose of use, cookies can be divided into technical cookies, cookie profiling, third-party cookies.
Cookie technical
Cookies technicians are those whose use does not require the user's consent. These cookies are essential to allow you to browse a website and use all its functions. Without these cookies, which are absolutely necessary, a website could not provide certain services or functions and navigation would not be smooth and easy as it should be. A cookie of this type is also used to store the decision of a user on the use of cookies on the website. This category also performance cookies, which are sometimes also called analytics cookies. These are cookies that collect information about the use that a user of a website and that allow you to improve its functioning. For example the performance cookie show which pages are most frequently visited, allow you to check what are the recurring patterns of use of a website, will help you understand all difficulties that you encountered in the use and shows the effectiveness of advertising which is published on the
Cookies technicians are essential and can not be disabled by using the functionality of this website. In general, cookies can be disabled completely in your browser at any time.
Cookie profiling
their own websites, CASE VACANZE BAIA DEL GARGANO, NOT USE this type of cookie.
These cookies allow us to remember the choices that users do on the site and / or services that are expressly required in order to provide more advanced services and customized. Such as are used for choosing the language or the weather forecast for a specific location. The use of such cookies requires the acquisition of free prior informed consent in accordance with art. 23 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003.
Third Party Cookies
CASE VACANZE BAIA DEL GARGANO may also use cookies to sites of different web server (cd cookies of "third parties"): this is because the site could include elements such as, for example, images, maps, sounds, links to specific web pages other domains that reside on servers other than the one where you find the page you requested. In other words, these cookies are set directly from website operators or server other than sites
The third-party cookies are also used to customize the advertising exposure depending on the interest of the user and frequency of exposure to the message. you can share this information with other parties, as for example, advertisers, which i may use their own cookies to collect information about activities performed by users on the website.
Advertisers may use this information to measure the effectiveness of their advertising. The use of such cookies requires the acquisition of free prior informed consent of the user.
These cookies are not controlled directly from the site of
CASE VACANZE BAIA DEL GARGANO, to revoke such consent is necessary to refer to the websites of third parties.
How to disable cookies from your browser
You can manage cookies through your browser settings. At any time you can accept, reject cookies or decide to set a warning before accepting a cookie from the websites you visit.
Procedures for managing cookies differ depending on the browser, logging on to the leadership of the latter you can find out how to manage settings. Please note that changing the settings will have impact only on that particular browser and PC, in order to align the behavior to other devices and must be repeated on each browser.
Please also note that disabling cookies some website may not be able to provide services profiles.
The data controller is CASE VACANZE BAIA DEL GARGANO. with headquarters
Localita Baia di Sannicola – 71010 Peschici (FG),
Do you know that you can exercise your rights under art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/03 (Privacy Code) - including the ability to choose not to be contacted for commercial purposes - contacting a
Localita Baia di Sannicola– 71010 Peschici (FG), on the envelope "PRIVACY ".
With reference to the only manifestation of the desire not to be contacted for promotional purposes, you can instead simply call the number
349 7542675
, and to change the settings on cookies can proceed following the directions on this page.
This privacy policy may change over time - also related to the entry into force of new regulations for the sector, updating or provision of new services or technological innovations - for which the user / visitor is invited to consult periodically this page. |